Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Russia Invades Georgia?

Earlier this week, a Georgian newschannel staged the biggest disgrace to journalism since Glenn Beck. Georgian reporters played off of the fears of their people to say that the Russian Federation had invaded the country. To add to the panic and fear, the news channel used archival footage of the 2008 Russian invasion of Georgia and panicked civilians fleeing Tbilisi and Gori. Not only did they use that, but they also used archival footage of US President Barack Obama, and dubbed it in Georgian to make it appear as if he was condemning Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and PM Vladimir Putin while pledging support for Georgian President Mikhail Saakhaashvili. This however, was an erroneous claim. The speech itself had nothing to do with Georgia or foreign policy towards Russia! Now, the Georgian government is acting like immature children on the playground. If Georgia wants to stay safe from a war with Russia, they need to make damn sure that they stop poking the angry bear (literally)!

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