Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Very First Post

My Very First Post

I am currently watching the movie Julie and Julia. So far I have this impression of it: Annoying housewife in the late 40's (who has a very annoying voice, by the way) tries to become a chef while mildly interesting office worker tries to cook all the recipies in the annoying bitch's cookbook. The movie itself has left me uninspired except for one thing: to start a blog. I won't be cooking at all (well, except for the occasional bowl of ramen), but I have a billion (or more) opinions that I could spend HOURS talking about. So, why not start a blog? I spend enough time online anyways, so why not just make up a blog about my days, my opinions, and the things I do in my life. It could be like twitter, only a bit more interesting.

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