Thursday, December 31, 2009

The New Millenium

Its been a decade since we took that first sigh of relief after finding out that Y2K wasn't going to bring about the end of the world and a nuclear holocaust, and now we get to look back at the past ten years and see how far we've come. What will we think of when the new millenium comes to mind? What will be the most memorable things of this decade? How will we think of this decade? Will we remember it as a time of fun and enjoyment, or as a decade of misery and paranoia? The way I see it is that the first decade of the new millenium was a contradictory decade that truly was the best of times, and the worst of times. It was the age that technology boomed from slow dial-up at the beginning of the decade to facebook and youtube at the end. It was the age that entertainment ranged across a wide spectrum from new reality shows like Survivor, The Amazing Race, and American Idol to dramas like Lost, Heroes, and The Sopranos. It was the age of political scandals like Abu Ghraib or "Libbygate", but also the age of inspiring politicians like President Barack Obama. As ABBA said in their song Happy New Year "Its the end of a decade in another ten years' time, who can say what we'll find, what lies waiting down the line?". So, I wish all of my readers a very happy new year.

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