Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Priortizing In The Obama Presidency

The day 20 January 2009 was truly an historical day for America. It was the first time that a man of colour was inaugurated to the highest political office in the country and what is arguably the most powerful position in the world. After leading a campaign built on the promise of hope and change, while saying we would get a new healthcare system, gay rights, our troops out of Iraq, etc., we were finally able to see what would happen with him in office. Fast forward to a little less than a year later: we're still in deep shit. But in all honesty, what were people expecting? Did they think that he would be able to fix everything overnight? Did they think that just because he became president, the economy would bounce back out of nowhere? Its not only very stupid, but also very naïve to believe something as ridiculous as that. President Obama inherited a country in dissaray, a country that did not get there overnight, but had been going down that slippery slope since the era of "Reagenomics". But, he hasn't done a lot to help us, either. Since taking office, he has tried too many diplomatic missions over-seas. While it is admirable for him to try building up relations with Iran and Russia, he must learn to prioritize. What should be done first, fixing the national economy, or trying to make it look like there was a reason why you got the Nobel Peace Prize? President Obama's presidency not only shows how democrats are unable to prioritize in terms of policy making, but also just how weak democrats are when it comes to passing legislation. A prime example of this: healthcare reform. The democrats have a majority in the senate, and a democrat in the Oval Office, but after starting in August on it, they have just now passed something that looks like a watered-down version of universal healthcare. So, after four months, the best you could do is pass something that's just close to what you and the majority of the senate (as well as an overwhelming number of people) want to pass? Tell me, is that NOT the definition of ridiculous? While I do support President Obama and his policies (well, at least the ones he would like to pass), I do not support the inefficiency of the senate or his lack of prioritizing in terms of what to do for the country.

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