Friday, January 1, 2010

The New English Patient?

After hearing my unfavourable review of Avatar, many people think its weird and wonder why I don't like that movie. They think that its the best movie ever and I should like it. Every time that happens, I can't help but think of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine saw The English Patient and she hated it. So, everyone else thought she was crazy and ridiculous. So, is Avatar the new English Patient? Better question yet, why is it that I can relate to episodes of Seinfeld at age fourteen?


  1. 1. WTF, you're 14?

    2. On topic: Now, I really just want to know your reasons for not liking the movie. I can easily share why I like it; the deeper meaning behind the superficial "cowboys and indians" (as my father calls it) plotline, my interest in shamanistic cultures such as that of the Na'vi in the movie, and yes, the wicked special effects. I'm not saying you're wrong for not liking the movie, as I do believe you're entitled to your opinion (no matter how often it brutally clashes with mine ;P), but I have trouble assigning validity to a review that doesn't give a reasoning behind its dislike.

    3. Simply out of curiosity, what The English Patient actually a good movie, and Elaine simply thought differently, or were the rest of the people on the show being ridiculed?

  2. To address your third point, the whole episode was making fun of people who acted like The English Patient was the best thing ever and Elaine was that one person who said 'oh, it sucked'. You would have to be an active fan of Seinfeld.
