Friday, January 8, 2010

The Best of Things, and The Worst of Things

The Best:
2) The Onion
3) Animals
4) Music
5) Being alone with peace and quiet :)
6) National holidays (no school!!)
7) Coffee (with tiramisu coffe mate and sugar ^^)
8) Telling jokes
9) Friends
10) People who have a good sense of humour :)
11) Eurovision Song Contest
12) FarmVille
13) Russian accents
14) IKEA
15) Panera Bread
16) Ushanka hats
17) Soviet history
18) The Swedish language
19) Acting
20) Communism
21) Karl Marx
22) Friedrich Engels
23) V.I Lenin
24) Leon Trotsky
25) Che Guevara

The Worst:
1) Quite a few people
2) The smell of bananas
3) Country music
4) Lifetime original movies (idk what's worse, the acting or the story line!)
5) Spiders
6) Baseball (Could we have picked anything more boring to be our national pasttime?)
7) Nascar (What's the point of it? They drive around in a circle!)
8) PETA (They can't euthanise over 21 000 animals and then yell at people who eat meat)
9) Hearing people's vacation stories (seriously, like I care about what you did in ______)
10) Capitalism (The reason why the economy went down)
11) Jeff Dunham
12) Dancing With The Stars (is there anything more masochistic than watching that?)
13) Waiting for things (I have no patience)
14) People who have no sense of humor
15) People who get offended easily (they are ssoo annoying and then they lecture you about it, just take a joke for God's sake!)
16) "Reality" TV
17) Math (algebra is the devil's subject!!!)
18) Republicans
19) Hannah Monatana
20) Jonas Brothers
21) High School Musical
22) Sirusho (She should die for making us have to suffer through Qele Qele)
23) Zac Efron
24) Rush Limbaugh (satan)
25) Glenn Beck
26) Ann Coulter
27) People who are perky and happy 100% of the time
28) People who brag
29) People who talk about their money all the time
30) Memories of POMS
31) People who don't accept others
33) Optimists
34) People who say I'm too pessimistic (I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist)
35) Living in Spotsylvania
36) When people use cliches with me (especially if they say I'm sure things will be better or well, when you're older you can ______)
37) When people show me photos from their vacations (I don't want to hear about your vacation, what makes you think I want to see photos?)
38) Kim Il-sung and the DPRK (they give Communists a bad name)
39) The colour orange
40) People who constantly use exclamation marks!!!!!!!!! (Doesn't that annoy you?)
41) Kosovo
42) Those who use religion to spread hatred
43) This whole Balloon Boy crap
44) Black Eyed Peas
45) Fascism
46) Hypocrisy
47) People who use poor grammar
48) Materialism
49) Small towns
50) Che Guevara merchandise

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