Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Threat To America

For the past nine years, thousands of Americans have lost their lives fighting the Taliban in the Middle East. But, there is an even bigger threat to America. An organization that seeks to oppress people, strip them of their human rights, and institute a theocratic regime similar to what is seen in certain Islamic countries in the Middle East. Who are they? Who is this "American Taliban"? They are the Fundamentalist Christians. Each day that these people are allowed to spew their hate-filled filth, they spread slanderous lies. A prime example that personifies this movement is Ann "Coultergeist" Coulter. Every time we allow that wretched, vile woman to speak, publish a syndicated newspaper column, or go on TV, she will try her hardest to spread hugely anti-American sentiment that wants to divide our country. Ann Coulter says she supports America, but she does things that are purely anti-American such as spreading religious intolerance (a violation of the First Ammendment), spreading a message saying that woman don't deserve equal rights (even though the Constitution says everyone has the rights to their liberties regardless of gender), a message that we should over-throw leaders in non-Christian countries so we can convert them to Christianity. Ann Coulter is everything that America is against and we can't afford to have her be a prominent figure in our culture. The scariest part about Ann Coulter: she honestly believes what she says, and there are people who agree with her. Perhaps one of the most perplexing thing about the Coultergeist is her stance on democracy. She has said "I think women should be armed, but not vote" as well as also saying, "It would be a much better country if women did not vote." If Ann Coulter doesn't believe in women's right, then why can't she just shut the hell up and get back to the kitchen? Of course Ann Coulter wasn't the only woman to speak out against this horrid thing of women having equal rights. Kansas State Senator (how she was voted is a mystery to me) Kay O'Connor once said, "I'm an old-fashioned woman. Men should take care of women, and if men were taking care of women today, we wouldn't have to vote." So, using her logic, women having equal rights is a sign that men don't care about her? How on earth can that make sense to someone? If you thought those statements against everyone being able to make use of the precious gift that is democracy was bad, then just listen (or read) to what Robert T. Lee (from The Society for the Practical Establishment of The Ten Commandements) said about democracy: "Democracy originated in the mind of a rational being who has the deepest hatred for God." He even went so far as to say that "Do you realize that the only thing that gives democracy existence is sin? The absence of democracy is perfect obedience to God." Usually, when societies don't have democracy, they have totalitarianism. A well-known characteristic of totalitarianist nations (such as North Korea, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, etc.) is the lack of freedom of speech. If we lacked the freedom of speech, then Mr. Lee would not be able to make hate-filled statements like that. What is equally disturbing to an American who is a big supporter of democracy and the people's voice is that not only does the Ameircan Taliban wish to eliminate democracy, but they also want to institute a theocratic regime aimed at eliminating freedom for the people. One person who wishes to see this is David Barton, as exemplified in this statement: "There should be absolutely no seperation between Church and State." No seperation between Church and State? If we were to institute a state religion, like say, Christianity, what would happen to the other people, the "non-believers"? Would we institute a "final solution" like Adolf Hitler did in Germany? Would the Jews, Moslems, Atheists, etc. be forced to wear tags identifying themselves as a sort of pariah in America? Worse yet, would we begin sending them in cattle cars to concentration camps? Or, would they decide to use a different way to kill off their enemies? Numerous people who are a part of this American Taliban say that AIDS is a good way to kill gay people, so will they try to employ this should they take over? True that may sound a little bit out there, but given statements such as: ""AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals" made by Jerry Falwell or as White Supremacist J.B Stoner said,"AIDS is a racial disease of Jews and Niggers, and fortunately it is wiping out the queers. I guess God hates queers for several reasons. There is one big reason to be against queers and that is because every time some white boy is seduced by a queer into becoming a queer, means his white bloodline has run out." So given those statements, isn't it quite plausible that should these people take power, they would try to eliminate gay people (as well as non-Christians) systematically? I would say yes. Perhaps the most frightening thing about the American Taliban is the fact that some of them have said that Atheists are bad for the country. And, what's even scarier, one of those people was elected to the presidency. In one statement, George H.W Bush said, "I don't know that atheists should be considered citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." Atheists being denied citizenship? I believe that Adolf Hitler did the same thing to Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, Communists, gays, and other minorities during his brutal regime in the 1930's. Americans, I ask you, no I beg of you, to please stand up now and fight back against the American taliban! Fight back against injustice! Fight back against intolerance! Fight back against oppression! Fight back against evil itself!

1 comment:

  1. For once, George, I am in full agreement.

    Por la Ășnica vez, George, estoy completamente de acuerdo.
