Saturday, January 9, 2010

People Watching

I think one of the best things to do in public is people watching. For some reason, I just enjoy it endlessly. To walk around and notice people going about their daily lives and habits. Its almost as if I'm in their life. As I was waiting to be picked up from somewhere a few days ago, I was standing near the front entrance, just watching people come in and go out. As I people watch, I like to imagine stories about their life, and being a writer, sometimes I work their life stories into whatever project I'm working on. There was one thing about that evening that I will remember (and which has made its way into the novel I'm currently working on): a mother and her son. I don't know what it was about them, but something about them just seemed so peaceful. The woman gave off this aura, this vibe, of being a good maternal figure. I'm sure you're reading this now and probably think I'm a psycho or some crazy stalker, but its true. People watching really does inspire me. Then, I noticed the way she looked after her son. Helping him get his coat on, helping him across the parking lot. It was such a sweet and idyllic sight. Yet, it not only provided me with some inspiration for my novel, but it made me think of my own life. It made me ponder things with my mother. Our relationship, or lack thereof. Ever since I was ten, we've been having severe arguments. Always fighting and yelling at each other. I hate it. I want things to go back to the way they used to be, when we could get along and be happy, like that mother and her son I saw while waiting to be picked up. Its a sad thing, really. But, I suppose that's just the way it is. I know I could try to fix things with her, but she is always uncooperative. She never even acts like she wants to try, so I just give up each time.

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